Villa Gandini Park in Formigine

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Extraordinary specimens of gingko can be found in Formigine where they are a particularly impressive sight in Autumn.

Part of what makes them so wonderful is the splendid setting of Formigine’s Villa Gandini Park, where an Autumn postcard landscape waits for you to step into it.

Majestic, beautiful, and bright yellow in Autumn, the two Ginkgo biloba trees stand side by side, overlooking a quiet pond that is home to a family of ducks. The elegant Villa Gandini (formerly Villa Aggazzotti) stands behind the trees, a neoclassical structure that is now home to the city library. The large garden of Villa Aggazzotti was designed by Count Gandini, who was fond of botany.

The Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree with origins in China. Its leaves typically take the shape of a fan and are bright green in Summer. In the Autumn they turn a unique and brilliant shade of yellow.
