The Este Ducal Gardens (Modena)

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The Este Ducal Gardens, better known in town as the Giardini Pubblici or public gardens, is in the middle of Modena’s historic center. The Gardens were opened to Modena’s citizens in 1739 by Este Duke Francesco III and became public in 1870. Today, this oasis of nature and elegance is not to be missed. Modena’s most important historic park was first designed at the end of the 1500s when the Duke fenced off a large area of land north of the castle. It wasn’t until the 1800s, though, that the Gardens began to look as they do today.

Strolling along its gravel paths is pleasant in any season, but many of the trees show their greatest beauty in Autumn.

Walk along the avenue lined with linden trees or go north, towards Corso Vittorio Emanuele, to admire meadows framed by horse chestnuts, ash trees, and cedars—and one spectacular gingko.

At the children’s playground, you’ll find a monumental English oak and red bald cypresses overlooking a pond.

The show is guaranteed!
