Lamborghini museum MUDETEC and the plant

{"description": "MUDETEC Museo Delle Tecnologie, Via Modena, Sant'Agata Bolognese, BO, Italia", "lat": 44.6591317, "lng": 11.1258606}
{"4008dc0b-0478-4787-8d63-159d4d6480b1": {"@canonical": "45e7509c-2838-49f6-a94c-711aaf58e27b", "@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "8bmpu", "text": "For a visit in complete safety, the guidelines for visiting Mudetec provide for limited admissions with the obligation to book the visit, availability of dispensers with hand disinfectants and signs to ensure respect for the social distance between visitors. The indicated path will allow both to safely reach all the cars to be photographed and to separate the entry flow from the exit flow.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [{"offset": 104, "length": 32, "style": "BOLD"}], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "29abc", "text": "The use of the mask is mandatory.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "47rus", "text": "To facilitate limited access, the online ticket office is available on the Museum website: in the info and reservations section - allowing you to book your time slot and buy your ticket ", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "8i4qf", "text": "", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "6v0ji", "text": "TOUR OF THE PRODUCTION LINES", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [{"offset": 0, "length": 28, "style": "BOLD"}], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "1cpkh", "text": "From the historic entrance to the future: visiting the production lines is a unique journey to witness the birth of Lamborghini super sports cars. From the V12 line where the engine and chassis of the Aventador come together for the first time, passing through the V10 line where the Hurac\u00e1n is born. At the moment factory tours are not operating", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [{"offset": 301, "length": 46, "style": "BOLD"}], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}, "846b8dae-0ec9-4768-88e5-b0503f43d74f": {"@canonical": "7c3d8866-9e57-4b09-9c7e-140bd918cdc3", "@type": "title"}}
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