MUSA - Charcuterie Museum by Villani in Castelnuovo Rangone

The Villani Museo della Salumeria, Italy’s first museum dedicated to the history and production of charcuterie. MuSa is located in the historic headquarters of the Villani firm (est. 1886), the oldest producer of salami and other cured and processed meats in Emilia-Romagna.
Choose a date and book your visit
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Modenatur booking center +39 059 22 00 22 Monday-Friday and +39 059 203 2660 Saturday, Sunday, holidays.
Castelnuovo Rangone
{"description": "Viale Eugenio Zanasi, 24, Castelnuovo Rangone, MO, Italia", "lat": 44.5518756, "lng": 10.9381547}
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