The parish church in Renno - Pavullo

The site of Renno was in antiquity one of the most important administrative and judiciary centres of Frignano.
Pavullo nel Frignano
{"description": "Pieve di Renno, SP30, Renno, MO, Italia", "lat": 44.3020765, "lng": 10.8074248}
{"2d1e9626-d3c1-4200-8404-432a3c81986d": {"@canonical": "07154ecf-c058-4e7c-a358-2a88e3944600", "@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "d52p8", "text": "Here, not far from the point where the Scoltenna and Leo mountain streams meet to form the river Panaro, rises the enchanting ancient parish church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. When it was founded is unclear: its origins could date to the XII century or be much earlier and go back as far as the eighth to ninth century. The apse and northern side of the building show the original characteristics of the perimeter walls, intact in the first rows of squared-off stones, while the irregular sections present in the rest of the stonework bear witness to interventions which occurred in later times.", "type": "unstyled"}, {"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "8fr07", "text": "The interior of the church opens into three naves supported by pilasters, four of which feature a curious octagonal shape, a clue, according to some, of the church\u2019s great age.", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "c75ca728-5d72-4c2e-ac84-72cb14293270": {"@type": "text"}, "dd2a98f9-d03e-4710-939c-c7aad54e8ffa": {"@canonical": "24b10c7b-162a-421f-aa6b-0e3da8fad74b", "@type": "title"}}
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